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Dispute Avoidance

Commercial Management Service


Dispute avoidance is imprinted into our approach and utilised in the Commercial Management service that our Director provides as part of a term contract appointment, we can also offer an individual service to your business to focus on dispute avoidance techniques and practises in isolation.




Communication improvements, bringing teams together and full understanding of the contact terms and conditions on both parties has proven to be the most effective method of dispute avoidance through the experience of our Director.  We can offer an independent review of every contract for you and provide a recommendation report and manage the implementation of the avoidance techniques.


RADAR - Risk Management Software Tool


We continue to recommend the use of the RADAR service supplied by Resolex, which has been designed to help project managers and team members avoid disputes and mitigate risk by generating an early warning of potential issues and facilitating prompt resolution.


Feedback is gathered from the project team on an agreed timeline (usually monthly) and is specifically designed to take less than 5 minutes to complete. Responses from individuals on the project are then analysed by the selected risk and project management experts and a transparent report is forwarded to the whole project team and stakeholders.


For more information please visit

Dispute Avoidance Services, RADAR, Resolex, Communication, Project Manager
NEC Dispute Avoidance, JCT Dispute Avoidance, Utilites Dispute Avoidance, Construction Dispute Avoidance

Bespoke services not listed above that are within the skillset of our Director, can be provided on request

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